Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd – Preschool Show Booking Terms and Conditions
Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd provides science incursions for preschool aged children in the Sydney Metropolitan Area. Children are seated for the duration of the shows. Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd shows are not hands-on workshops. The word ‘preschool’ in this document refers to preschools, childcare centres, early childhood education centres, and other suitable venues.
1. Preschool show theme for 2024
– Be a Scientist Show, for children aged 3-6 years
Duration: 45 minutes per session
Audience size: up to 40 children per session
Please allow 30 minutes for setup in the venue and at least 5 minutes between sessions for equipment to be reset. Pack up time is 20-30 minutes.
2. Price
1 x 45-minute session $400 + GST ($440 including GST)
2 x 45-minute sessions $550 + GST ($605 including GST) if presented in the same room as the first session
An invoice will be provided 1-2 weeks prior to the visit date with 30 days payment terms. Payment can be made via direct transfer or online card payment (e.g. PCard).
3. Travel fee
If the expected travel time from Kingsgrove NSW to the preschool exceeds 1 hour, a travel fee may be charged at a rate of $55 (including GST) per 30-minutes additional travel time, both to and from the preschool. A quote for the travel fee will be provided at the time of booking and details will be included in the booking confirmation.
4. Requirements to be provided by the preschool
– Well-ventilated indoor venue or sheltered outdoor venue
– Parking as close to the venue as possible
– Access to the venue to set up 30 minutes before the start of the first session and for 20-30 minutes to pack up at the end of the last session.
5. Booking process
1. Booking requests can be made via the online booking request form (, via email, or over the phone.
2. A booking confirmation will be emailed to the contact person.
3. A booking is not confirmed until the contact person has checked the details on the booking confirmation and confirmed that the details are correct via reply email.
4. A booking reminder and tax invoice will be emailed to the contact person 1-2 weeks prior to the visit date.
6. Cancellations or changes to bookings
The preschool contact person should phone or email Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd as soon as possible if they wish to cancel a booking or make any changes. There is no cancellation fee for bookings cancelled or rescheduled more than 2 weeks prior to the visit date. Bookings cancelled or rescheduled less than 2 weeks prior to the visit date will incur a cancellation fee of $220. The cancellation fee may be waived in exceptional circumstances, at the request of the preschool, and at the discretion of Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd.
Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd will only cancel or reschedule a booking due to unavoidable, unforeseen circumstances, such as staff illness. The preschool will be notified as soon as possible if Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd needs to cancel or reschedule a booking.
7. Venue
The preschool is responsible for providing a well-ventilated indoor venue or sheltered outdoor area where the children can be seated safely and comfortably for the duration of the show. Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd presenters are not responsible for moving furniture in the venue.
The preschool is responsible for providing one parking space, as close to the venue as possible. The equipment for the show is in boxes that are moved into the venue on a trolley. If there are any stairs or other issues regarding accessing the venue, additional time may be required for moving the equipment and setting up.
8. Videos and audio recordings are strictly prohibited
Video or sound recording of Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd shows is not permitted. Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd reserves the right to protect the intellectual property contained in its shows, including, but not limited to, scripts, staging, props, original music and lyrics, and licensed background music. If a preschool staff member or other adult is found to be recording any part of a Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd show on a phone or other device, the presenter may interrupt the show and ask the person to stop the recording and to delete the recording from their device.
9. Photographs
Preschool staff members are welcome to take photographs during Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd shows, following any photography policies the preschool may have in place.
10. Print material
A mini-poster and activity instructions will be provided to the preschool as PDF files. This material is protected by the Australian Copyright Act. It may be printed for use within the preschool but must not otherwise be copied or distributed.
11. Insurance and Working with Children Clearance
Details of risk assessments and public liability insurance are available on request.
All Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd presenters have current Working with Children clearance.
12. Contact
Jenny Lynch, Science Communicator
Mobile: 0402 063 921
PO Box 399 Kingsgrove NSW 1480
Creative Science Australia Pty Ltd
ABN 67672895519